Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Super duper sorry

I'm so sorry guys- it's been over 2 months since I last posted. Too busy I guess. :( I will try to post more frequently but please be patient! :) thx -Alia

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Just some not-so-important news

Wow. Hey guys! I've been off for a while! Sorry about that... :P too much homework and school XD I've Also been working on a painting that I wanna show y'all, But I'm not done just yet ;) I also wanted to tell u that I will be posting tutorials on how to draw things and a lot of my art :) so ya.... Just some news! :D bye! C ya guys!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Monkey painting

Hey guys! This is a painting that I did of a type of monkey <--- (I forget what it's called) but anyways, I used acrylic paints on this. Warning: do not mix up oil and acrylic paints. BIG difference. Could ruin your painting :| and on a flat paper/canvas. It took me awhile but it was worth it! Hope you enjoy it! -Alia

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Oil spill nail art

Hello viewers, followers, likers, etc. I have some super cool nail art 4 u! It's called oil spill nail art. This was originally created by Ashley on: styleonhigh.com but I tried it for myself and it turned out great!
Styleonhigh.com is a really neat website all about fashion! She has a topic each week (eye it), There are DIY projects that match the topic (DIY it), 50 super duper cute clothes that match the topic and are under $50!!! (Buy it) it's a really cool website, trust me! Please visit it! Anyways, here is the nail art:
U can use any dark colors but I used: ulta golden glitter, L.A. girl magnetic, sephora by o-p-i dark blue/purple, a sparkly black, sephora by o-p-i greenish turquoise, and sephora by o-p-i dark green.
Sorry I don't have pictures for the steps.

1. Paint your nails the Ulta golden glitter nail polish for the base coat. Let dry.

2. One by one put small strokes or dots of each of the other colors. Do one finger at a time. While the finger is wet use the clear coat and brush over the finger with the wet nail polish on it to kind of blend the wet colors together.

3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to all of your fingers.
And TADA! Your done! Hope this helps! Thanks Ashley! 


Tuesday, July 2, 2013

DIY braided hair extensions

Lets make hair extensions!
 Here is what you will need: scissors, 2-3 different colored string, a clip or bobby pin.

1. Get one piece of three different colors of string and cut them all to the length of your hair. Then separate them- If you only have two colors, like me, get two pieces of one color and one piece of the other. Or do it all one color. (separate it) 
2. Tie a knot at the top of the string. Start braiding it (cross it) braid the whole thing but leave some unbraided at the end (braid it) 
3. use the clip or bobby pin-whichever one you chose- and loop the string through it. (Loop it through)
4. Tie a knot where you looped it (knot it) 
5. TADA! Your done now you wear it! 

Sunday, June 30, 2013


Hey guys! I'm apologizing because I haven't been posting as much lately! With vacation, and over 11 hours in the car in one day with no wi-fi, it's been kinda hard to keep posting :) But now that my schedule is clear, I will get back on track and post, post, post! Please keep following, liking, commenting etc. thanks you guys! See ya.


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Natural art

I went to the tamarack in West Virginia. The tamarack has a big shopping center full of art! Here are some pics that I took of art that they created using our natural resources! 
In this pic, they got string, or a material like string, and hooked on the insides of geodes. Geodes are rocks that when you crack them open, there are crystals, amethysts, etc. and made necklaces and bracelets.
In this picture, they got a tree branch, put it on a wooden platform, stuck hooks into it, and used more insides of geodes to hang on the tree. The type of natural resource that they used is called agate. 
Such creativity!